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Working in Canada – All you need to know


    If you’re thinking of working in Canada, there are a few things you should know. For starters, you’ll need a valid work permit. You can apply for a work permit online or at a Canadian visa office.

    If you’re coming to Canada to work temporarily, you may also need a labour market impact assessment (LMIA). An LMIA is a document that verifies that there’s a shortage of qualified Canadian workers for a specific job and that no one else can do the job.


    In order to work in Canada, you’ll need to have a few basic documents in order:

    1. A valid passport
    2. A valid work permit
    3. An LMIA (if required)

    Once you have all of these documents in order, you’ll be able to apply for jobs and start working in Canada. Keep in mind that you may need to obtain a visa before you can enter the country.

    There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for work in Canada. First, make sure that you’re familiar with the Canadian job market. It’s important to know what kind of jobs are in demand in order to increase your chances of finding employment.

    Second, brush up on your Canadian work experience. Employers will often prefer candidates who have experience working in Canada.


    Finally, don’t forget to network! Get in touch with your professional contacts and let them know that you’re looking for work in Canada.

    Working in Canada can be a great experience. With a little preparation, you can set yourself up for success.

    Who is eligible to work in Canada?

    To work in Canada, you must:

    • be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person registered under the Indian Act
    • have a valid work permit
    • meet the requirements of your job offer
    • not be subject to a removal order
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    In order to be eligible for a work permit, you must have a valid job offer from a Canadian employer. The job offer must be for a full-time, permanent position. You may also be eligible for a work permit if you’re coming to Canada to work temporarily.

    What are the requirements of a valid job offer?

    In order for your job offer to be valid, it must:

    • be for a full-time, permanent position
    • be from a Canadian employer
    • meet provincial/territorial employment standards

    Your job offer must be for a full-time, permanent position. This means that the position must be for at least 30 hours per week. The position can be with one employer or multiple employers.

    Your job offer must also be from a Canadian employer. This means that the employer must have a valid business license in Canada. The employer can be based in Canada or abroad.

    Finally, your job offer must meet provincial/territorial employment standards. This means that the salary and working conditions must meet the standards set by the province or territory where you’ll be working.

    Is it possible to move to Canada without a job offer?

    Yes, it is possible to move to Canada without a job offer. However, you’ll need to meet certain requirements in order to be eligible for a work permit. For example, you may be eligible for a work permit if you’re coming to Canada to study or if you have relatives who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

    What are the different types of work permits?

    There are four main types of work permits in Canada:

    Open work permit: This type of work permit allows you to work for any employer in Canada. You don’t need a job offer to apply for an open work permit.

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    Closed work permit: This type of work permit is specific to a certain employer, job, and location. You’ll need a valid job offer from a Canadian employer in order to apply for a closed work permit.

    Support staff work permit: This type of work permit allows you to work as a support person for certain types of workers who are coming to Canada on a work or study permit.

    Intra-company transfer work permit: This type of work permit allows you to work for a foreign company that has a branch in Canada. You must have been working for the company for at least one year before applying for an intra-company transfer work permit.

    What are the general requirements for a work permit?

    In order to be eligible for a work permit, you must:

    • have a valid job offer from a Canadian employer
    • meet the requirements of your job offer
    • not be subject to a removal order

    In addition to these general requirements, there are also specific requirements that you’ll need to meet in order to apply for a work permit. For example, you may need to provide proof of your English or French language skills. You may also need to provide a police certificate.